Tuesday 9 April 2013


Bauhaus was founded  by a german architect, walter gropuis in the city of Weimar 1919. Its objective was to “reimagine the material world to reflect the unity of all arts”.
Gropius wanted to unite art and design and explained so in  the proclamation of the Bauhaus which described a craft guide joining architecture, sculpture and paintings as one.  He wanted to create a type of art were  people could create what they wanted, expressing themselves through different medium of arts in usually basic geometric forms.

One of Gropius’s projects was a building made of glass walls rather then bricks which let people see the work going on inside aswell as let the workers see what was happening on the ground. He was a respected and influential man.
During the time of world war 2, many of the key figures of the Bauhaus emigrated to the united states.
There, their work and teachings influenced generations of architects and designers.
Marcel Breuer and Joseph Albers taught at yale, Walter Gropius went to Harvard and moholy-nagy  established the new Bauhaus in Chicago in 1937.

 The Bauhaus was a design school formed in Germany to make craft pieces for mass production which had harmony with craftsmanship like a set of tables.

Translating to “ building school" and became a school of fine arts and Arts&Crafts giving the birth to Architecture, interior design, graphic design, industrial design and  typography.

Absence of ornamentation, things that don’t matter ..one of the main characteristics of Bauhaus, the harmony of function + form in design.

Bauhaus’s teachings still effect modern day and is still taken to consideration to everything. Design isn’t how something looks, its how something works, in harmony with its appearance.
Everything is design.

Bauhaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Bauhaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bauhaus. [Accessed 09 April 2013]

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