Tuesday 5 March 2013



Being the japanese word for comic artist or cartoonist.

manga became popular in the 20th century and are a big part of japanese culture. Manga are japanese comic books, usually consisting of more pages and coming in a set.

Manga are often made into anime [japanese animations]. Manga is very popular with young people and even influenced the art styles of certain artists like Ed McGuinness, Brian wood and frank miller [comic artists]

Japanese manga is to be read from the right side to the left not only from pages but even panels.

Example of how a manga needs to be read:

There are many different characteristics that make manga distinctive. Manga characters almost always have large eyes, small mouths and usually un-natural hair colour. Character emotions are exaggerated. For example, when a character cries, it pours like a waterfall, Or when they laugh, their wide mouth takes half their face.

As an anime and manga fan i obviously love this style. Reading manga is quite an experience and to just stop and admire the art work. Loving it more when it turns into an animation[ anime]

Mangaka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Mangaka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangaka. [Accessed 05 March 2013]. 

P.Gravett,  Manga:60 Years of Japanese Comics,
Laurence King Publishing, 03 Aug 2004

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