Monday 4 March 2013



Originated in france in the early 1850's.
Even the name suggests the movement would be accurate and detailed. Taking away imaginative thoughts and focusing on what is actually there. Requireing observational skills.
The french realists prefered to incorporate subjects for their paintings such as the everyday lives of the working class. Realism sought to show real and typical contemporary people and situations with accuracy and honesty without avoiding the negative of life.

Realism, French, Jean-Francois Millet, 1814-1875, "The Gleaners," 1857

An oil on canvas of three working class women, gathering remaining wheat in a field after a harvest. Background of a camp or village and gathered wheat is blurred making the three women the main focus of the piece even though their faces arent shown. Very detailed and attention to shadows.

 Realism Art | Art Realism | Realism Paintings. 2013. Realism Art | Art Realism | Realism Paintings. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 March 2013].

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