Tuesday 5 March 2013

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent van gogh - "the tortured artist"

Was a Dutch post-impressionist painter whose work influenced the 20th century. Vincent van gogh was born on march 30th 1853 in Groot Zundert, Netherlands. His artwork is still changing the way people view  beauty, persona, individuality, and style in art. His thousands of paintings and drawings have various characteristics that have been copied but duplicated by none.
He had an emotional life, filled with loneliness and despair. Struggled with poverty and mental illness.

Vincent is one of the most well-known artists in the world, but only after his death. During his life, his art wasn’t taken very seriously as not many understood him or his works so his paintings were hard to sell.

Today, his paintings have become easily recognizable.
As most families in the mid-1800's, van Gogh was raised in a religious family and his father was a minister. Van Gogh was intelligent and multi-lingual.
He began painting while living in Amsterdam after his heart got broken by a past love. Vincent devoted himself to paintings, studying colours and admiring works of artists like peter paul rubens.
After moving to Paris, Vincent began to develop the style that made him famous. His bold, dramatic brush strokes expressed emotion as well as added a feeling of movement to his artworks. Being mostly self taught, van Gogh started his career copying prints and reading 19th century drawing manuals and books, which was where his technique grew. He wanted to master black and white drawings before using colour, and focused on learning the most important things for figure drawings before depicting landscapes in the right perspective. After being satisfied with his technique, he began to add colour and his palette, which stood out quite a lot, became one of the most identifiable features of his later paintings

Vangogh produced 900 paintings in 10 years. Took his own life in 1890.

 Vincent still inspires people of the present. An example of this is the episode of Doctor who, a british series. An episode was done with an actor being Vincent van gogh.
 Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se_8Z3P7h3s
note: its an amazing episode. please watch it all <3  

Vincent van Gogh Biography - His Life and Times . 2013. Vincent van Gogh Biography - His Life and Times . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.vangoghgallery.com/misc/bio.html. [Accessed 05 March 2013]. 
 Julius Meier-Graefe

J.M.Graefe, Vincent Van Gogh - a Biography 
Dover 1987 

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