Saturday 18 May 2013


In the 20th century, cubism was one of the movements that influenced most artists and whole different movements. It was a style that revolutionised modern art.
In 1907 and 1914 it was invented by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in Paris.

Key note of cubism is that the artist must create a painting or sculpture of this movement by ignoring the traditional approach of perspective and make it more abstract and done from multiple view points.

Cubism is responsible for the development of other art styles like Orphism, futurism, vorticism and expressionism.
A basic thought wen looking at a cubism painting is that its mainly made up of shapes.

This painting was what started off this Cubist movement and ended up being the most important of the century. These figures are prostitutes. Painting over the figures he had already drawn, he made the figure stare out at the viewer with their rather strange looks.
This painting indeed brought out a new way to look at reality.
Picasso ignored all the artistic rules of being exact and  proportion and used distortion to guide him.

                                              Viaduct at L'Estaque - Georges Braque 1882-1963

Done on Braque's second visit to L'Estaque in 1907. This painting shows the fast development of his style influenced by cubism.
The image shows it was influenced by cubism as its painted from different view points and mainly made up of shapes. Narrow rage of colours and strong use of line.

Cubism - the first abstract style of modern art. 2013. Cubism - the first abstract style of modern art. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2013].

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