Tuesday 21 May 2013

Victorian Design

 The early part of the Victorian period [which was around the 1830s-40s]found itself intrigued and revived medieval or gothic aspects of architecture and design. After 18 51, after the great exhibition, preferences of these designs ended up spreading to every Victorian home.

Furniture was mainly wooden and extremely detailed that gave a sense of elegance. Like art nouveau, it had a lot of floral carvings not just on the oak wood but on fabrics used for cushions.

Wallpaper was also mainly floral designs as it made a nice design for high class homes. Sticking to the basics, the designers of  the wallpaper used natural colours like green and cream as well as blue and red.

Iron chandeliers also are made detailed to suit the style and used shades and/or crystals to add to the design.Lamps were also made in this style from cheap oil lamps to floral lamp shades.

Grandfather clocks are also inspired from the Victorian style with their detailed columns and long, sometimes designed on, chimes inside.

Examples of furniture of the Victorian period is proudly shown at the 1851 crystal palace exhibition.
Starting from the 1880s, a mass of different art styles like art nouveau, japonisme, arts and crafts movement, art deco and a few others that where against the high Victorian taste and wanted to be more unique in style.

Personally, i like this style  due to the elegant look it has and the details works especially in the wood. Carvings being so delicate yet seemed to be done so smoothly.

The Victorian Era | Graphic Design History. 2013. The Victorian Era | Graphic Design History. [ONLINE] Available at: http://visualartsdepartment.wordpress.com/the-victorian-era/. [Accessed 20 May 2013].

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