Thursday 16 May 2013

Beneath the Wave of Kanagawa

Also known as The Great Wave by Katushika hokusai. Born in 1760 what is now known as Tokyo grew up to be a block cutter, designing wood blocks for prints. Doing so for a certain amount of time he grew bored of it and became an apprentice to an artist then being a professional print designer.

Later in years, finding himself with no money, he went to what he knew best, woodprints. He worked with such energy at the age of 70 and the Great wave was to take star role.
The image of a wave about to crush some boats with mount fuji in the background.
Inthe early 90s the origional  15x10inch piece would have been equivalent to the price of 2 bowls of noodles [20mon]

The print is made up of a series of images layered ontop of eachother, each being printed from a different wood block.

 This print is a climax scene of the raw bpower of nature. A wave having a point where it came up and started to break where it seems like its "right on the edge of chaos."

Even though the image is beautifull, the boats have people in them. Not many people seem to take notice of the figures in the boats and that they are about to die.
The image makes you feel like you are in the scene with the people. Trying to survive and above you is the monsterous wave.

Mystery and contradiction as the viewer doesnt seem to fit anywhere. Are we on a boat at a safe distance from the wave? or are we god like creatures and we can be anywhere?

still being influenced from people of today, it is incorporated in many different works or just edited to fit with the times..

Like hanae mori used it to inspire her 2003 collection.

People also edit the image or tattoo it to themselves 

A Grimer pokemon represented as The Great Wave

Surfers riding the wave to give it a modern vibe.

The Great Wave (Japanese Art Documentary) 1/5 - YouTube. 2013. The Great Wave (Japanese Art Documentary) 1/5 - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2013].

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